Computer science lesson plan
Class:3rd - Lesson:10 Tux paint (Drawing).

Purpose: Learn about Tux paint drawing tools. Improve mouse control.

No. of Classes

Two or three classes (Teacher's decision).

Material Required

Tux paint.

Curriculum Content
  • (5.3) Loop
  • (4.1) Direction
  • Prior knowledge

    Children should know the following before doing this exercise:Painting tools,Shapes tools,Special Characters,Stamp



    • Try the below actions in the Tux paint app. Clickhere to open Tux paint game.
    • Draw the following picture.
    • No Image


    • Draw the following picture.
    • No Image


    • Draw the following picture.
    • No Image


  • Link to view the solution.

  • Teacher Instruction
    1. Teachers to guide students know about paint, stamp, line, shape, text, eraser, new, save & open.
    2. Teachers to help students recognize and understand the related drawing tools.
    3. Teachers to encourage students use their own creativity to draw unique pictures.
    4. Students should draw the house and tree by using the Pen tool (Exercise 2)
    5. Colour the house and tree by using fill colour control in magic (Exercise 2)
    6. Use stamp control to paste the picture of birds. (Exercise 3)